
The Governing Board

The Board shall be composed as follows:

  1. Chairperson of the Bureau of the Conference;
  2. A Representative of the Department of Social Affairs of the AU Commission;
  3. The President of the Assembly;
  4. Representatives of vehicular cross-border language Commissions;
  5. Representatives of national Language structures;
  6. A Representative of the Member State hosting the Executive Secretariat of ACALAN;
  7. Independent experts;
  8. Executive Secretary who shall sit in an advisory capacity and act as the Secretary of the Board.
  9. Representatives of partner institutions and CSOs may be invited to attend Board meetings in an advisory capacity;
The functions of the Board shall be to:
  1. Define the ACALAN policy;
  2. Adopt its own Rules of Procedure;
  3. Consider and approve the ACALAN Plan of Action, budget, activity reports and audited accounts;
  4. Assist ACALAN to mobilize funds;
  5. Ensure the general supervision of the management and performance of ACALAN;
  6. Ensure the monitoring, control and evaluation of ACALAN activities;
  7. Consult the Committee on activities falling within its competence;
  8. Submit reports to the Conference on activities and achievements of ACALAN;
  9. Determine the number of Members of the Assembly.