The Governing Board is the deliberative organ of ACALAN which is composed as follows:
The Board shall be composed as follows:
- Chairperson of the Bureau of the Conference;
- A Representative of the Department of Social Affairs of the AU Commission
- The President of the Assembly;
- Representatives of vehicular cross-border language Commissions;
- Representatives of national Language structures;
- A Representative of the Member State hosting the Executive Secretariat of ACALAN;
- Independent experts;
- Executive Secretary who shall sit in an advisory capacity and act as the Secretary of the Board.
- Representatives of partner institutions and CSOs may be invited to attend Board meetings in an advisory capacity;
The functions of the Board shall be to:
- Define the ACALAN policy;
- Adopt its own Rules of Procedure;
- Consider and approve the ACALAN Plan of Action, budget, activity reports and audited accounts;
- Assist ACALAN to mobilize funds;
- Ensure the general supervision of the management and performance of ACALAN;
- Ensure the monitoring, control and evaluation of ACALAN activities;
- Consult the Committee on activities falling within its competence;
- Submit reports to the Conference on activities and achievements of ACALAN;
- Determine the number of Members of the Assembly.