Plan du site





Menu1: Home page

Menu2: About ACALAN

Menu2.1: ACALAN Historical Survey
Menu2.2: Decisions related to the establishment of ACALAN
Menu2.3: Vision and Mission of the Academy
Menu2.4: Activities Carried out by the Academy

Menu3: ACALAN reference texts

Menu3.1: ACALAN Statutes
Menu3.2: The AU's Cultural Charter
Menu3.3: The Language Plan of Action for Africa
Menu3.4: Decision on the linkage between Culture and Education
Menu3.5: Decision on the Year of African Languages (YOAL)
Menu3.6: Decision on a second decade of Education (2006-2015)

Menu4: The Year of African Languages (YOAL)

Menu5: ACALAN major Projects

Menu5.1: Master & PhD Programme in Applied Linguistics
Menu5.2: Panafrican Center of interpretation and Translation
Menu5.3: Stories Across Africa (StAAf)
Menu5.4: Terminology Project
Menu5.5: African Linguistic Atlas Project
Menu5.6: Lexicography Project
Menu5.7: African Languages and Cyberspace
Menu5.8: International seminar on the partnership between African Languages and the European working languages of AU (English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish)

Menu6: Symposia, conferences and events

Menu6.1: Regional Symposia on Languages
Menu6.2: Conferences and other events

Menu7: Other documents

Menu8: Language Situation in Africa according to SIL

Menu9: Multimedia

Menu9.1: Photo Gallery

Menu10: Discussions Forum

Menu11: AU's Web Site

Menu12: Useful links (Linguists Web)

Menu13: ACALAN Partners

Menu14: Contact

Menu15: Site map


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